Ideologies Event

Ideologies Event
About this Event
We're going to bring all the most popular ideologies throughout history..all into one event! What could go wrong?
In this event, we'll see which ideology leads a civilization to prosperity, and which crumble to ashes. Will this experiment be ruled by a massive communist empire, or a theocracy worshipping the gods? There's only one way to found out: an epic Minecraft social experiment with 200+ players.
There will be LOTS of custom-coded mechanics and twists throughout this experiment so don't let your guard down >:) Each decision you make can matter for the survival of your region, so make them wisely.
- Communism
- Capitalism
- Technocracy
- Theocracy
The event will take place on March 1st-2nd, and March 8th-9th from 5-9 PM PST.
Last event 374 out of 1430 applications were accepted (~26%). If you want to gain priority access to the event, consider becoming a patron to help support servers and development: https://www.patreon.com/c/magicgum