Ideologies Event

Ideologies Event

📅Sunday, March 2, 2025 at 01:00 AM UTC

About this Event

We're going to bring all the most popular ideologies throughout history..all into one event! What could go wrong?

In this event, we'll see which ideology leads a civilization to prosperity, and which crumble to ashes. Will this experiment be ruled by a massive communist empire, or a theocracy worshipping the gods? There's only one way to found out: an epic Minecraft social experiment with 200+ players.

There will be LOTS of custom-coded mechanics and twists throughout this experiment so don't let your guard down >:) Each decision you make can matter for the survival of your region, so make them wisely.


  • Communism
  • Capitalism
  • Technocracy
  • Theocracy

The event will take place on March 1st-2nd, and March 8th-9th from 5-9 PM PST.

Last event 374 out of 1430 applications were accepted (~26%). If you want to gain priority access to the event, consider becoming a patron to help support servers and development:


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